INSTRUCTION MANUALDATED 1-15-96 PART NO. 426-02-651-0023©Delta International Machinery Corp. 199614"Wood CuttingBand Saw(Model 28-280)The Serial
10ADJUSTING UPPER BLADE GUIDESAND BLADE SUPPORT BEARINGThe upper blade guides and blade support bearings are ad-justed only after the blade is tension
2SAFETY RULESWoodworking can be dangerous if safe and proper operating procedures are not followed. As with all machinery, there are certain hazards i
3UNPACKING AND CLEANINGCarefully unpack the band saw and all loose items from the shipping container. Remove the protective coating fromthe machined s
5Fig. 6Fig. 7Fig. 8 Fig. 9ASSEMBLING BELTAND PULLEY GUARDAssemble the belt and pulley guard (A) to the top of the stand,as shown in Fig. 6, using the
6Fig. 10Fig. 11Fig. 12Fig. 135. Fasten the switch box to the band saw arm using two nutsand lockwashers (A) Fig. 10, which were removed in STEP 3.6. R
7Fig. 14Fig. 15Fig. 16Fig. 17TABLE INSERTPlace table insert (A) Fig. 14, in the hole provided in the table,making sure the pin (B) in the table engage
8ADJUSTING BLADE TENSIONOn the back of the upper wheel slide bracket, there is a seriesof graduations. These indicate the proper tension for variouswi
9Fig. 21Fig. 22ADJUSTING UPPER BLADEGUIDE ASSEMBLYThe upper blade guide assembly (A) Fig. 21, should always beset as close as possible to the top surf
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